Thursday 6 February 2014

GH4k spotted ahead of launch


It’s being reported that the camera in the picture above is a prototype GH4 being used to produce a promo for the big launch on Friday. This was spotted on DEFY Products Facebook page posted on the 24th of January and claims to be an early pre production GH4…interesting.

More updated GH4 specs:

1) It will have a quad core processor.
2) Sensor reading is 50% faster then GH3 so much less rolling shutter.
3) Maximum bitrate of 200Mbps ALI and 100Mbps IPB
4) 4K, you will have MOV + MP4 only.
5) In 1080p you will also have AVCHD.
6) The camera will have focus peaking and the user will be able to change the color. Focus Peaking will also work from smartphone through wifi.
7) Focusing will be faster and have more AF points (compared to GH3).

Check back at Perform Video tomorrow (7th Feb) for all the news following the official announcement from Panasonic

GH4k spotted ahead of launch

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