Friday, 28 February 2014

Perform Video Master Class: Dust Removal From Video

Dust is a huge pain, it makes you sneeze, makes your house dirty and when it gets in between your lens and your camera it can ruin your video footage! This happened to us on a recent shoot and in this Perform Video Master Class we show you how we fixed it in After Effects.

Perform Video Master Class: Dust Removal From Video

A big problem when shooting with a DSLR is the risk of getting dust in your image. Not only is dust quite likely to enter the system during a lens change, it’s also very hard to spot the problem when monitoring the video on the back of the camera. 9 times out of 10 it’s only when you get the clips up on a big screen you notice the issue.

Obviously prevention is better than cure and to de-risk the dust problem you should blast the back of the lens and mirror with a small air duster during each lens change. The second mitigating item is a good quality field monitor.

If you do find dust on one of your shots there is a fix in post production in After Effects, in this video we show you how.

Perform Video Master Class: Dust Removal From Video

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