Wednesday 5 February 2014

YouTube Cracking Down on Fake Video Views


YouTube is homing in on fraudsters who drive fake views and subscribers to their channels. The world’s leading video platform said it has started to methodically audit the views a video has received to strip out obviously fake activity. The move is possibly aimed at boosting credibility with advertisers who increasingly want to ensure that traffic  is real and not the work of bots. 

Starting this week, YouTube will periodically validate a video’s view count, removing fraudulent views “as new evidence comes to light,” Philipp Pfeiffenberger, a Google software engineer, wrote in a blog post. He wrote, “we believe it’s crucial to improving the accuracy of view counts and maintaining the trust of our fans and creators.”

Pfeiffenberger continued, “When some bad actors try to game the system by artificially inflating view counts, they’re not just misleading fans about the popularity of a video, they’re undermining one of YouTube’s most important and unique qualities,”

YouTube creators are also being warned to be “extra careful” about working with third-party marketing firms, some of which attempt to drive up views artificially.

YouTube Cracking Down on Fake Video Views

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