Thursday, 27 March 2014

Edelkrone Craft Module for Timelapse and Stop Motion Video

Edelkrone have introduced the Craft module (an attachment to their SliderPLUS range of sliders) for $699, specifically designed from timelapse and stop motion video. The device aloso includes a very handy in-built calculator

You choose between photo and video time-lapse modes, then it will ask you few simple questions, and you are all set! You only set the start-point, end-point, operation duration, desired movie frame rate per second and the final movie duration by answering those questions. Craft Module will even calculate and let you know the maximum allowed shutter speed. Without setting the end- or start-points, you can also set automated static time-lapses in seconds. You can also use the timer function to schedule a time-lapse for later.

It also integrates with the Edelkrone Target Module (allows you to lock on to one object).

To find out more, click here.

Edelkrone Craft Module for Timelapse and Stop Motion Video

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