Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Corey Rich: Fundamentals of Time-lapse Video

Adorama presents Corey Rich explaining the fundamentals of how to make a time-lapse video making using the Nikon D800: This basic primer will teach you how to set your exposure, why you shouldn’t use auto-focus and the dangers of leaving your camera strap on while creating the time-lapse.

Time-lapse photography is one of the best storytelling devices at your disposal. Whether that’s compressing hours of sunrise, sunset or star trails into just a few seconds of video, time-lapses are fantastic ways to add powerful visual elements to your next motion project.

…[Corey Rich] goes over general decision-making such as whether to shoot in raw or jpeg, and how many frames you need if you’re working in 24 fps or 30 fps. And he covers Nikon’s unique “time-lapse photography” mode in the D800.

Corey Rich: Fundamentals of Time-lapse Video

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