Saturday, 5 April 2014

Adobe Creative Cloud: Major updates coming to video apps


Adobe has announced plans to roll out a “significant update” across all its video apps in its Creative Cloud (CC) digital design software.

Full details are yet to be confirmed but Adobe said that some “milestone features” expected to ship in the coming months include major updates to Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe After Effects CC, “designed to make everyday tasks easier and faster [and] enabling video professionals to create videos, TV shows, films and commercials more efficiently”.

The software updates will be revealed at NAB 2014 show in Las Vegas later this month along with new features for Adobe Anywhere.

Adobe named the key features coming to the digital design software. The first are timesaving editorial features in Premiere Pro CC, including Live Text Templates, which let users edit text in After Effects CC compositions directly in Premiere Pro, and Autosave, which enables Creative Cloud to automatically backup projects.

Adobe said there will also be a new Masking and tracking feature in the video app updates that provides accurate masks to follow subjects and blur out faces and logos, which the firm said is crucial for newsroom editing.

Updates to After Effects CC include Keying effects to provide better keying results with compressed footage, and Typekit integration with Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC to provide users with access to a growing library of fonts that’s worth £18,000 and can be used on the desktop.

“Broadcasters, filmmakers, corporate publishers and video professionals today are expected to relentlessly keep up with new formats, frame rates and distribution methods,” said Adobe VP of product development Steve Warner.

“Customers who have switched to Adobe Creative Cloud from alternative offerings tell us that Adobe apps and solutions give them a significant advantage. And with hundreds of new features and enhancements added with regular releases over the past 12 months, we continue [...] faster workflows for video pros.”

Adobe will demonstrate its new video products for the first time at NAB at its booth numbered SL3910 in the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Centre between 7-10 April. The applications will ship “in the coming months”, Adobe said.

Adobe last announced updates to its CC digital hub across its Creative Suite (CS) in January, including integration of 3D printing capabilities in Photoshop.

In what Adobe said showed that “the rate of innovation is not slowing down”, the update brought 20 new features to Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign, and some more to Muse, which will arrive in late 2014, all with access to new Type Kit fonts across all of the firm’s software products.

The main features added to Photoshop included a perspective warp effect that allows users to easily manipulate images, along with a smart objects linking tool that makes it easier for designers to be able to work on multiple projects at the same time.

Here’s a good rundown of what Adobe Anywhere will allow creatives to accomplish:

Adobe Creative Cloud: Major updates coming to video apps

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