Monday, 28 April 2014

3D-Printed Time-Lapse Motion Control System


3D Printing technology is opening up a world of opportunity for photographers and filmmakers who know have the chance to start “printing” custom parts or even entire rigs for a fraction of the price.

Looking to reduce the weight of his equipment while out photographing time-lapses, photographer Doug Urquhart 3D printed and put together a 3-axis modular time-lapse motion control rig that is apparently 50% lighter than his previous setup.

The system makes use of 72 inches of carbon fiber (for rails) in combination with a 3D printed Pylyamide–12 (nylon) 3-axis motion control system. The rig offers dolly, pan and tilt capabilities.


The process of creating the rig certainly wasn’t simple but if you happen to have access to a 3D printer and fancy having a go you can follow the instructions by heading over to Instructables at the link below.

You can check out some test-footage shot with the rig here.

3D Printed, Ultralight, 3-axis Modular Time-Lapse Motion Control System

3D-Printed Time-Lapse Motion Control System

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