Thursday, 1 May 2014

Galaxy NOTE 3 4K versus Canon 5D Mark III

Alex Weinstein compares the 4K video from the Samsung Galaxy Note to the Canon 5D Mark III with some very interesting results.

In this quick camera test I pit the venerable 5D mark III against the latest blockbuster cell phone to hit the market- the Galaxy NOTE 3. In this test the viewer is encouraged to see for themselves which image they like better- that of a $3,500 flagship camera or that of a $750 cell phone camera that shoots 4K video.

Test breakdown- this was a basic daylight test comparing the image quality of the two video cameras. The Note 3 was shot in auto mode with the default camera application. The 5D3 was shot in neutral/flat style and treated in post to come as close as possible to the look of the Note footage. The treatment included contrast, saturation, sharpening, some color temp tweaks, and minor exposure tweaks..

The goal of this test is to let the audience decide for themselves the performance of the Note 3 when compared to the 5D3.

Galaxy NOTE 3 4K versus Canon 5D Mark III

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